by Santa Scott
If you have surfed this website a bit, you know I believe in three things (besides Santa Claus)
1: I believe in the power that the Internet gives to 'ordinary' people, especially small business-persons (like farmers and market gardeners)
2: I believe that EVERY small business should have a 'website that works'
3: I believe that SiteBuildIt! is the best choice to get that working website, bar none
Now to the freebie: from now until December 25 at midnight, you get another SBI! site free when you buy one. This is a gift worth $299! This could be your chance to play Santa, and give someone a very valuable gift while helping out your own business at the same time. Or, get together with a friend and share the cost.
You will be getting the best web package on the planet for 1/2 price; this is the ONLY time you can get this amazing deal.
Check it out here SiteBuildit! Christmas Special
Or find out How we grew a farm web-site
p.s. I'm an affiliate of SBI! which means that if someone purchases a site through me I get a commission. This is the ONLY way SBII promotes their product i.e. word of mouth from satisfied customers. They have grown to many, many thousands of subscribers all around the world in this way.
It also means you can become an SBI! affiliate as well, and generate a little income in the 'off-season', or some extra cash for Christmas, if you so desire. (btw they're Canadian, eh? and so guaranteed to be 23% nicer than other companies)
If you would like to know more about becoming an SBI! affiliate, drop me a line using the Contact the Farm link on this nav bar to the left.