Free to join. As an "online sales rep" you can use your website or blog to refer buyers to my sales page in exchange for earning a 60% commission on each sale resulting from your referrals.
Commissions Paid Monthly Through PayPal. As a New Terra Farm Affiliate you get your own free E-Junkie account to get your affiliate links and information about your successful referrals and earnings. Commissions are paid on the 15th of the month following the sales; e.g. all sales in January will be paid on February 15. This is to allow time for returns and adjustments.
Managed and tracked by 3rd-party service E-junkie hosts my books and courses and tracks affiliate sales. You can check your sales with your own free E-junkie account.
It's easy to get started and there are NO COSTS to you, ever. (No reputable affiliate program will charge you a fee to join).
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Once you confirm your account you will be taken to your affiliate page, where you can copy the 'hoplink' to refer my products, and see your earnings.
After that, it's easy and automatic. Just post your hoplink to your website or blog, and all sales resulting from your referrals will be credited to you.
E-Junkie maintains a cookie on your site for 6 months. This means that the sales doesn’t have to happen on your first landing page, and that tracking will still work even if the buyer leaves your site and returns later!
No matter which link the affiliate uses, whether it is your Common link or a Product link, E-junkie tracking will work for any item in your account so you do not need to worry about referrals being missed if a buyer decides to purchase a different item at a later time. YOU still get credit!
After you sign up, come back here and download (use right-click and 'save as' or 'save link as') book covers and other images you can use Promote New Terra Farm books with these images
It's free, it's fast, and I added a bunch of new books in 2020. Sign-up at E-Junkie and get started.
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