Farmers Markets Bad for Farmers??!!
by Scott K
(New Terra Farm, Merrickville)
A recent news story informed us that the Competition Bureau was 'looking in to' price fixing at farmers markets in Ottawa. Apparently our ever-vigilant public servants noticed a suspicious price similarity among vendors at the market.
Which forces me to bring up two points: First, have you ever seen two neighbouring gas stations with prices that vary by more than a penny? I guess this is OK for Big Oil, but not Old MacDonald.
Second, let's suppose the farmer in the market booth beside you drops her price for tomatoes. What are your choices? Match her price and reduce your profit, or don't match it and lose sales!
Third (OK, I guess I had 3 points), would the world be a better place if the various government snoops were forced to get a REAL job??!!
I don't use farmers markets myself, partly because of Point 2 above (the Community Supported Agriculture model is superior IMHO) but, Mr. Government Snoop, leave these people alone so they can make a living and pay the taxes that support your salary.