Imagine Growing $Dollar$ in Your Garden ...

The Fast-Track Guide to Starting and Running a Successful Market Garden!

From 'Zero' To 'Paying Customers' In 30 Days (Or Less)!

sunny garden 3Why YES, money does grow in my garden!

Does one of these describe your situation?

  • An aspiring market gardener seeking a clear path to success?
  • A small farmer looking to expand into direct-to-market sales?
  • Someone passionate about growing food and creating a meaningful livelihood?
  • Do you need To create some additional income on your small property SOONER rather than later?

I know the feeling.

Hello, fellow entrepreneur (or 'wantre-preneur). My name is Scott Kelland, owner of award-winning New Terra Farm (I'll prove that claim a little later).

20-plus years ago, not long after the Y2K scare, I bought a small piece of property. Then spent the next couple years looking for a way to make some money from that property.

After a lot of reading and research I settled on a business model that promised to fulfill my small farm dreams.

This model showed me how I could 'bootstrap' my business without a lot of cash money up front.

It showed me how I could basically lock-in my customers.

And it provided me the ability to START VERY QUICKLY, at a level I could manage as a 'newbie', then grow as big as I desired as I gained experience.

In fact, I had money in my pocket from paying customers less than 30 days from my launch.

This was important, because I really needed a way make money ASAP!

I explain all about thi amazing business model  on this page.

They Say It Takes Money To Make Money.
That's True, But There ARE Some Shortcuts

Here's how my story rolled out.

I didn't have a lot of money to start this business, but i had some room on my credit card to pay for some marketing (more about that later).

My marketing brought me some potential customers. When I explained my market garden plan to them, most bought in right away.

The advance payments covered the cost to launch my market garden, and I ended up with a profit on the season.

My first market garden was about 1/4 acre. A couple years later we had grown that garden to feed more than 90 families each week.

So I can confirm, market gardening is the best ‘job’ I ever had. And the world needs MANY new small growers.

So what's stopping you from launching your own market garden business?

A Very Smart Guy Once Said "A Goal Without A Plan Is Just A Wish"

In my experience, in farming and business, the biggest roadblock is also the most important thing you need to make your dream a  reality: you need an actionable  plan to get there.

Without a plan, where will you find the capital to launch your business? How will you find customers? How will you manage your market garden business over the long haul?

Sounds daunting, right?

If you are tired of just wishing you had a successful market garden, I can help.

Transform your vision into reality with Bootstrap Market Gardening, your step-by-step guide to planning, marketing, and managing your garden for profit.

Introducing 'Bootstrap Market Gardening'!

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20 years ago when Suzie and I launched our first Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) garden we didn’t have a lot of guidance. With time, we figured out the answers to about a thousand questions about running a market garden.

In 2006 I wrote about our experience for the Ministry Of Agriculture in Ontario. Low and behold, we won a prize for ‘Agri-Food Innovation’. Came with a nice plaque - and a nice $5,000 cheque!

Hence the 'award-winning farm' claim

So I decided, if our experience was that valuable, I would write the market garden business book I wish I had when I started.

'Bootstrap Market Gardening' is your step-by-step guide to launching a successful market garden based on Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) principles.

CSA solves many start-up problems.  In the CSA model customers subscribe to your market garden , paying in advance to receive a share of vegetables each week throughout the growing season.

This advance payment let's you BOOTSTRAP your garden i.e. start up without a lot of cash of your own. When I figured this out, I was actually able to start my business with just $300 for some promotional flyers - and I put that on a credit card!

What You'll Gain with Bootstrap Market Gardening:

  • Proven Step-by-Step Plan: Learn how to start small and scale as you grow.
  • Cost-Efficient Tips: Leverage advance payment through the CSA model to fund your start-up.
  • Sustainability Focus: Adopt eco-friendly, practical methods that benefit both your wallet and the planet.

I can't guarantee you an award, but I do have a 100% money-back guarantee if you find Bootstrap Market Gardening doesn't deliver real value!

Here’s a Proven Plan To Start-up, Market, and Manage a Successful Market Garden Business

I mentioned the CSA model provided  me the ability to start at a level I could manage as a 'newbie', My first market garden was about 1/4 acre.

A couple years later we had grown that garden to feed more than 90 families each week.

Bottom line: I strongly believe two things:

1. North America NEEDS many new small local growers

2. By following a proven system, just about anybody (with the motivation to do so) can launch and operate a market garden business.

'Bootstrap Market Gardening' is that proven system!

95% Of New Businesses Fail In The First Five Years - SCARY!

You have probably heard the scary statistic that ‘95% Of New Businesses Fail In The First Five Years’.

Here’s something I learned In my ‘other life’ as a consultant specializing in planning and performance measurement: business failure is almost always a result of planning failure.

Businesses fail because they didn’t have a good plan to raise start-up money. They didn’t have a plan to find customers. Or they didn't have a plan to manage and operate their business efficiently.

Failing to plan is planning to fail, as they say.

Here's how you beat the odds!

95% of New Businesses Fail - But That's NOT YOU!

bmgp 2022 cdBuild a real plan to launch a real business on your own terms

'Bootstrap Market Gardening' is your step-by-step guide to start-up, market and manage a successful market garden business.

And, (very important to a new grower) you can start small and grow as you learn!  You remember My first garden was less than a quarter-acre in size.

Over time our garden got bigger, and so did our income.

This concept is easy enough to grasp.  But... you still need to know 'the details' of what you are doing, or failure is still a possibility.

This Guide is my way of helping to grow the new growers the world desperately needs.

Your Chance Of Market Garden Success Is ENHANCED With A Proven Plan

HERE'S THE KEY: Market gardening isn't just about planting seeds; it's about launching a  business.

There are lots of gardening books out there, but it's hard to find good information about starting a successful market garden BUSINESS.

Do you agree your chances of success in your new business would be enhanced by a proven process for planning, marketing, management, and operations?

Here’s  what that looks like:

1. PLANNING is the fun part: you decide how much money you want to make from your market garden, and how many customers you need to make that happen;

2. MARKETING is reaching out and finding those customers and telling them what you have to offer and inviting them to buy. TIP: there is an easy, non-sleazy way to get your customers to sign up. And, they pay you in advance for the season!

3. MANAGEMENT means answer a few questions about how you will run your market garden business. How much space will you need, and where to find it? How will you organize garden work? TIP: you can find space for your garden even if you don't own a farm.

4. PRODUCTION means lying out your garden efficiently and growing, harvesting and processing your delicious veggies for appreciative customers.

That’s what you will find in 'Bootstrap Market Gardening'!

OK, This Sounds Great, But I Have Questions...

Market gardening, especially these days with the growing demand for local food and increasing concerns about food security, is an exciting opportunity.

But If you are thinking about this opportunity seriously, I’m sure that questions are popping up in your mind right about now.

Here’s what I’ve heard from other new or soon-to-be Bootstrap Market Gardeners:

Q: I don't have much (or ANY) business experience. Can I still start a market garden?

A: Absolutely! 'Bootstrap Market Gardening' is designed for people with little to no experience in business or farming. My 4-step system is easy to follow and will guide you through the entire process of starting and running a successful market garden.

Q: How much money do I need to start a market garden?

A: One of the best things about CSA market gardening is that it can be started with minimal investment. 'Bootstrap Market Gardening' will show you how to create a successful business with minimal start-up costs USING OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY (OPM) , so you can focus on what really matters: growing and harvesting delicious, healthy produce. In fact, I was originally going to call this book No-Money-Down Market Gardening!

Q: Will people (complete strangers) actually give me money in advance,  before I bring them anything from my garden?

A: Sure! The 'secret' is in knowing what to tell prospective customers about your business to give them the confidence you will follow through with great garden goodies for them. I explain what to say and how to answer THEIR questions in the book.

Q: How do I market my produce and attract customers?

A: Marketing is a critical part of running a successful market garden, and 'Bootstrap Market Gardening' will show you proven strategies for attracting and retaining customers. We'll help you find the right channels to promote your business and connect with your audience. I'll even give you the exact marketing flyer I've used for many years to get customers calling me!

Q: How can I ensure my garden is sustainable and environmentally friendly?

A: Sustainability is at the heart of 'Bootstrap Market Gardening'. We'll teach you how to create a healthy and profitable garden that's also kind to the environment. From choosing the right crops to using eco-friendly practices, we'll help you create a thriving garden that you can be proud of.

market-gardening-tillerPractice teaching with a farm intern - I love watching other people work!

More Than 2,000 People Have Bought My Books And Courses To Help Them ACHIEVE Their Small Farm Dreams. Here's What Some Of Them Had To Say...

"Dan and I found your book inspirational and helpful. In fact, it took us from "hmmm ... this might be for us" to selling five garden shares 3 weeks later! We are 3 weeks or so from wrapping up year one and looking forward to year two and 25-30 shares! Thanks so much for your helpful programs that make planning our business almost and breeze". 

- Dan and Jenn S.
Itty Bitty Acres

I read your book and really wished I had it last year. It has already caused me to re-think and re-design next years plan.

- Sherri, Dunville, ON

"Very clearly written and thorough"

- Steve G.

"Fantastic reading, and it'll be really helpful when we start up our farm!

- Katie W.

"Very well written. It seems that you have that gift of being able to transpose your thoughts onto paper with ease and simplicity"

- Stephen W.

My 'Gardener To Gardener Guarantee':
You Can Read 'Bootstrap Market Gardening'  RISK-FREE

I want you to have all the time you need to read and USE my 'Bootstrap Market Gardening Course'.

That's why I'm going to give you a full 12 months to decide if this is for you.

If for any reason, or no reason at all, you are not 100% satisfied simply send me an email, and I'll refund every penny of your investment . . .No questions asked!

Over more than a decade and more than 2,000 sales, I've been asked for a refund exactly twice. Which I promptly and happily issued. So I am pretty confident you will find a lot of value here.

What's Unique About 'Bootstrap Market Gardening'?

'Bootstrap Market Gardening' is not some 'theoretical' model. 

I'm only sharing with you what I've actually done. I know this will work for you too... if you apply your own brains and motivation.

This course was built by me based on more than 20 years' experience as an award-winning organic farmer and a business consultant specializing in building and improving business processes. This course brings together what I've learned and practiced in both those fields over the last couple decades.

I guarantee you won't find this practical information, designed specifically for market gardeners, anywhere else. 

I can show you, step-by-step how to start-up, market, and manage a successful market garden business, even on a very small property (and a very small budget)!

You just can't get this valuable resource anywhere else!

Your Choice: Get Bootstrap Market Gardening In 'Standard' Or 'Premium' Editions

bmgp 2022 cdCrammed full of real-world practical advice you can use to launch your own market garden business.

Bootstrap Market Gardening Book Standard Edition. This is your 'course textbook', it lays out for you, step-by-step, how to start-up, market and manage an organic market garden based on CSA principles.

This book has helped hundreds of new and soon-to-be market gardeners learn how to launch their own successful small farm business.

The best part is, you can start part-time and build a great 'side hustle' income - I know a young lady who paid for college in the fall by running her own CSA market garden through the summer. Or build up your experience over time to make a good full-time living on your small property.

The Standard Edition also includes  my '90 Day To CSA Launch Checklist', which lists out the key tasks and timing to launch you own Bootstrap Market Garden (and yes, it shows how you can get customer money in your pocket in 30 days or less)!

Or, Choose the 'Premium Edition' for Accelerated Results

'Bootstrap Market Gardening' is a valuable resource, and my most popular book.

Along with the 'CSA In 90 Days Launch Checklist', you will have everything you need to start-up, market, and manage a successful - i.e. PROFITABLE - CSA market garden of your own.

Then a couple years ago I decided to improve the offering.

First, I created 9 custom workbooks that expand on the material in the book.

This includes more than 100 pages of additional information, exercises, examples and worksheets designed to help you plan, market, manage and put into operation your own market garden business, faster and easier than ever.

These are totally unique and only available from New Terra Farm!

Then, (because I was a computer guy)  I added 5 specially-designed farm planning and management spreadsheets  written by me, to make running your market garden and my farm business easier.

These are the same IT tools I use every year to plan and manage my CSA market garden.

Get 'Bootstrap Market Gardening', the Launch Checklist and the workbooks and software in the Premium Edition.

Award picture 5 x 5Suzie grabbed the plaque. I grabbed the cheque!

Ready to turn your green thumb into a green business?

Don't miss this chance to embark on a fulfilling journey that combines your passion for gardening with entrepreneurial success. Join the ranks of successful CSA market gardeners who have created thriving businesses and vibrant communities.

The Premier of Ontario paid us $ 5,000 for this valuable information, but you can get it for quite a bit less.  

Choose your edition  of 'Bootstrap Market Gardening ' today and get started building your own CSA market garden.

When you buy my course securely using PayPal or your credit card, you will receive a download link for all the products.  No physical book will be shipped, so no waiting for this valuable resource.

Click on 'Add to Cart' and get started planning your own successful and profitable market garden business.

BMGP Prices 2024

Bootstrap Market Garden Standard Edition $27


Bootstrap Market Garden PREMIUM Edition $37 (includes course workbooks and software)


Whether you're a complete beginner or an experienced gardener looking to take your skills to the next level, 'Bootstrap Market Gardening' is the ultimate guide to creating a successful and sustainable market garden business. Click on 'Add To Cart' to get started.

Don't wait any longer to transform your farming aspirations into a flourishing reality. Join the ranks of successful farmers who have harnessed the power of our proven strategies and time-tested techniques. Embrace the journey, seize the opportunity, and start cultivating your profitable CSA market garden today with 'Bootstrap Market Gardening'!

Click on 'Add to Cart' to get started!