The 'Start Farming' Pack - My Most Popular Guides to Sustainable and Profitable Farming Practices in One Bundle!
![]() Whether you're a beginner or an experienced farmer, my books will provide you with valuable information and insights. I've packed them full of practical farming knowledge gained over 20 years on New Terra Farm.
If you follow the step-by-step guides and use the Bonus Tools included you can build a sustainable, profitable business even on a small property. You can multiply your results AND YOUR INCOME by adding more farm income streams! And, this is a great opportunity for the PART-TIME FARMER TOO! Business 'Secret' - Selling MORE to the same customers is easier than finding new customers!
Here's how we work at New Terra Farm; our four main enterprises - our Bootstrap Organic Market Garden, our meat bird flock, our pigs on
pasture, and our Bootstrap Greenhouse - all work together to actually improve our garden and our pastures, as well as our cash flow.
Then over time, we learned how to profitably raise and sell premium pastured poultry and pork. Now here's the magic: because our garden customers already know us (and love our fresh, delicious veggies), they are eager to buy our free-range organic pork and chicken. Every year, our pork and chicken is sold BEFORE WE EVEN RAISE IT! No more sales work required. I'm not crazy about being a salesman, so anything that makes that part easier is a good thing! Using the methods in my Complete Start Farming Pack, you can raise healthy, nutritious pork and chicken in humane conditions, in just minutes a day. You can build one (or ALL!) of my Bootstrap Greenhouses to extend your growing season - and your income. This means you still have time to work your garden, and can even farm part-time while you keep your 'day job' . It's a Complete System to Start-up, Market and Manage a Small Mixed Farm Operation
![]() The Complete Start Farming Pack, only from New Terra Farm! This amazing bundle includes: 1. My 'Bootstrap Market Gardening Work Book Edition', and with training modules and bonus planning spreadsheets. 2. My 'Bootstrap Greenhouse' book including plans to build the THREE styles of greenhouses we use on the farm; 3. My 'How to Raise Meat Chickens' book plus Bonus Plans plans to build TWO styles of portable chicken coops; 4. My 'Raise Pigs on Pasture' Book, plus my brand-new Porkulator software to help you figure out costs and profits for your premium pastured pork; All this PLUS several more bonuses; in all, more than 20 valuable farming resources, valued at more than $80. Get them in my Complete Start Farming Pack and save over 40%. And like all my books and courses, you get a full 1-year, unconditional money-back guarantee. More than two thousand people have invested in my books and courses; here's what some of them had to say...
"Very clearly written and thorough" - Steve G. "Fantastic reading, and it'll be really helpful when we start up our farm! - Katie W.
"Dan and I found your book inspirational and helpful. In fact, it took us from "hmmm ... this might be for us" to selling five garden shares 3 weeks later! We are 3 weeks or so from wrapping up year one and looking forward to year two and 25-30 shares! Thanks so much for your helpful programs that make planning our business almost and breeze. Dan and Jenn S. Build An Economically and Environmentally Sound Farming Business!I LIVE on my farm. I sure don't want to do anything to harm or degrade my property (my grandkids PLAY here). So you will be delighted to know that our farming model actually IMPROVES the soil and the environment. We rotate the pigs and chickens through our garden areas. They get fed all the scraps and spoiled veggies from the garden, and eat weeds and bugs and fertilize as they go. This results in healthy, happy animals and a thriving garden (and a nice additional income stream for the farmer). And its easy to manage this process if you follow our plan. Picture building multiple farm enterprises even on a small property!If you want to find out how to efficiently start-up and manage a small mixed organic farm, take advantage of this special offer. I call this my "Farm in a Box". The Complete Start Farming Pack contains my three best small farm business books, PLUS, plans to build my three Bootstrap Greenhouses, AND a bunch of bonuses! ![]() "Sounds like a good deal, but I need to know more before I decide to buy. . ."Here's what's in my "Complete Start Farming Pack": ![]() Bootstrap Market Gardening is your step by step guide to building a successful, sustainable market garden business based on CSA principles. My latest edition also includes the Bootstrap Training Workbooks and software. Get all these valuable resources with Bootstrap Market Gardening. ![]() NEW BONUS! GROW THE TOP TEN MOST PROFITABLE VEGETABLES. Are you a small farmer or market gardener looking for proven strategies to maximize your profits? Then "GROW THE TOP TEN " is the resource you need to elevate your productivity and transform your garden into a lucrative venture. With "GROW THE TOP TEN" you will gain a solid understanding of the tools and techniques necessary to step-up your gardening practices and grow the 10 most profitable vegetable crops in your market garden I designed this Special Report to equip you with the knowledge and skills to optimize your productivity and cultivate thriving crops across the seasons. ![]() Bootstrap Birdies! This is the newest edition of How to Raise Meat Chickens, now with TWO bonus chicken coop plans:
![]() Bootstrap Bacon! Raising pigs is a great complement to your market garden. Piggies will root up the soil and clean up garden waste, turning old veggies into delicious organic PREMIUM PORK. My latest edition also includes my fabulous Porkulator spreadsheet. I couldn't find a tool to help me calculate costs and profits for my pastured piggies, so I had to create one ![]() My latest Bootstrap Book! I wrote this book to show how ANYBODY can build and manage a small greenhouse, quickly and cheaply. You get plans for my THREE greenhouse designs, with photos and instructions. PLUS two bonus reports! The Bonus Software Explained
When I taught the Bootstrap Boot Camp Success Plan course to a group of new farmers and growers, I developed 4 additional pieces of software to help them manage their farm businesses. Here's what's in the Farm Business Software Bundle:
This software bundle sells separately for $10, but I'm including it in the Complete Start Farming pack as an added special bonus. This brings the total value of this deal to $77, but you still pay just $47 to get the Complete Pack. There are more than 20 books, bonuses, worksheets and farm planning and management spreadsheets in the Complete Start Farming Pack. And you save a bundle when you buy the bundle. This is the best deal I have ever offered for these valuable farming resources. When you click on 'add to cart' and pay securely through PayPal you will receive a download link for ALL the books, plans, software, and bonuses. You can start reading and planning your own small farm dream right away, and save a bundle. ![]() Caution: Real World Ahead!Reality check time: make no mistake, farming is hard work. Reading some books is one thing, but actually doing the work is required to make your small farm dream a reality. But if you are willing to bring your brains and motivation to the task, my books can show you how to work smarter, and get amply rewarded for your efforts. If you can commit to that, click on 'Add to Cart' to get started! Try My Complete Start Start Farming Pack Completely Risk-Free
![]() I want you to have all the time you need to read and USE my Complete Start Farming Pack. That's why I'm going to give you a full 12 months to decide if this is for you. If for any reason, or no reason at all, you are not 100% satisfied, simply send me an email, and I'll refund every penny of your investment . . . No questions asked! Scott Kelland p.s. And the best part? By farming sustainably, you'll not only make a profit, but you'll also protect the environment and contribute to a healthier food system. Don't wait any longer to start or improve your farming operation. Order my book bundle today and start growing a more sustainable future for yourself and your community! p.p.s. RIGHT NOW is the right time to start planning for your best season ever on your small farm. If you are willing to invest just $47 to build a real, sustainable and profitable business, on your own property and on your own terms, click the banner to get started right away. |