Organic food industry news and viewsIf you are like us happy New Terra Farmers you try to keep up with news about natural and organic food and the occasionally wacky world of the organic food industry. To help with that task, we've set up an automatic news update system for you here, that will regularly update with the latest information about the organic food industry. But, not only do we provide the latest information - we review it and provide commentary to help you make sense of what you've read. We also make it easy for you to contribute news that you've come across that's interesting, surprising or (like I mentioned) just plain wacky. And, unlike many news services, we make it easy to for you provide direct public commentary on these news items as well. If you have news that you'd like to share, look just below the "Organic Food Industry News" section and you'll see a news input form that you can use to send us your news information. And just below that you'll see a list on contributions provided by other visitors, as well as key stories that we've chosen to highlight for you. To get the details and/or comment on any of those items, just click on the title
What's new(s) with you?What's the most interesting/outrageous/hopeful/awful thing you've heard lately about the organic food industry? The world is waiting to find out! Organic food industry highlights and contributionsClick below to see news highlights, commentary and contributions from other visitors to this page...
When are we going to learn? Another expensive boondoggle from Ontario's Premier
Raw Milk more dangerous than nuclear weapons!!! Really!!!
Acres USA Article - OJ is Guilty!
How do we Measure Well-being? Not rated yet
I'm about to 'go nuclear' over bureaucratic horsepoop Not rated yet
Raw Milk Debate Redux - Lets call it REAL milk Not rated yet
Don't Panic Eat Organic (I borrowed that phrase) Not rated yet
Food crisis sooner than we think - Ottawa Citizen Not rated yet
Copenhagen - Santa Claus Given Important New Post Not rated yet
LOCAL farming supplies and suppliers Not rated yet
Crime fighting 101 for politicians Not rated yet
The future of animal farming is industrial? Not rated yet
New Video - Voices for Change Les Voix du Changement Not rated yet
Organic Certification - Necessary but not Sufficient? Not rated yet |